Yogas citta vrtti nirodhah ~ to control the fluctuations of the mind-stuff is Yoga. Patanjali Yoga & its Gurus  History of Yoga watch me So, how did this practice develop?  Imagine a group of the wisest, most scholarly and enlightened people you know all sitting around a table deliberating the state of the human condition. […]

Philosophy 2.1 ~ History of Yoga

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“You give love and light to everybody — those who love you, those who harm you, those whom you know, those whom you don’t know. It makes no difference. You just give light and love.”  Indra Devi The Styles of Yoga watch me MODERN YOGA STYLES  Nowadays days there are more docks in yoga bay […]

Philosophy 3.1 ~ The Styles of Yoga

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Do your practice and all is coming. Sri. K Pattabhi Jois 1.1 Introduction  Yoga is a philosophical roadmap to finding inner peace. Its birthplace is Northern India; a region colored by strong ties to spirituality, in particular Hinduism and Buddhism. Although there are some aspects of these beliefs that have weaved their way into yogic […]

Philosophy 1.1 ~ Introduction to Philosophy

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Do your practice and all is coming. Sri. K Pattabhi Jois 1.1 Introduction  Yoga is a philosophical roadmap to finding inner peace. Its birthplace is Northern India; a region colored by strong ties to spirituality, in particular Hinduism and Buddhism. Although there are some aspects of these beliefs that have weaved their way into yogic […]

Philosophy 1.1 ~ Introduction to Philosophy

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