The world is waiting for you. Are you ready for the world? 

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and fun-filled growth? Well guess what? It's the perfect time to take that leap with a little help from your coaching fairies.

show up in every moment like you're meant to be there.

Becoming who you are meant to be for the world takes growth, courage and commitment. And learning to love yourself relentlessly through every twist and turn of your life is a skill you build once, and hold forever.

Don't wait another moment to discover your true potential.

You are capable of anything you put your mind to. But if you're like us, you need {just a little} help to level up and embrace the best version of yourself in every area of your life.

You don't have to do it alone.

Want the red hot truth?

How It Works

Yes, totally free. No strings attached. We'll spend 25 minutes chatting about YOU and define areas of focus to work on.

book in for your freeeeeEEEEE
discovery call

Attend each coaching session with openness and honesty, bringing your whole self to the table. Follow through on actions & deliverables.

Commit to Showing Up Wholeheartedly

With Erin's guidance, you'll have the support you need to experience real results, fast, and embrace the journey along the way.

Celebrate Wins and Continue to build & Grow:

Book my free call →

Are you ready to change your life? 

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New Years Offer

Save 20% on
Coaching Packages 
with Erin

Ready to discover your secret weapon?
For a limited time, save 20% when you book a coaching package. To find out more and explore if coaching can be your tipping point, book a no-strings attached discovery call with Erin. 

Seven years ago, I was burnt out, brokenhearted, overwhelmed and anxious...

On the outside, my life was perfect. I had a dream job, a great relationship, good health and lived in the cutest (if tiny!) apartment in Bondi Beach, Australia. My social and travel calendar was overflowing. Career prospects were great. I should have been happy and content.

But on the inside, I was a mess - constantly stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed. I was working crazy hours, fueled by a desire to prove myself. My bank balance didn't reflect the effort I was putting in. I felt like I was constantly drowning and couldn't get to the surface. And I felt guilty for not being happy and more grateful for my privileged life. 

And I know how you feel

Bumpy roads lead to beautiful places.

And guess what? Even when I found the courage (with the help of a coach) to give up the rat race, move to Bali and open my dream business, the pressure I felt didn't disappear. Instead, a whole bunch of new challenges appeared. It was only when I got honest with myself and turned my attention inward that I was able to address the underlying issues causing my feelings of unworthiness and make radical changes in the way I lived.

I've been back in that spot, feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and  like I'm drowning, many times since. I've made many mistakes. I've let myself down. I've compromised values and boundaries and self-care in the pursuit of trying to prove to myself and the world that I'm worthy. Even as a coach, I don't always have it together. And each time I level up, the same fears of failure and of not being 'good enough' resurface. 

The truth? The road doesn't suddenly flatten out and become smooth and straight just because we've decided it needs to. There's work to do in adjusting our beliefs, vision, goals and habits to help us learn to drive. I've been blessed to have amazing mentors, coaches and friends to help me uncover my belief systems and rewire my perspective to see things differently. And now my operating system is more like a sweet lil' jeep with a great shock system to navigate the path and transform those rocky moments into opportunities for growth and expansion. My soul purpose is to help you do the same.

Hi, I'm Erin

“If you're in the fence, let me just say this is the absolute best decision you can make.”

- barani

Create and achieve your wildest personal, professional and health goals

How does this sound?

Embrace your unique balance to reduce stress, anxiety, overwhelm and burnout



the results you're going to get:

Build your confidence and kick self-doubt & imposter syndrome in the booty


Whip your health and fitness into shape and make working out your happy place 


Enhance your relationships with healthy and loving communication skills


I have gotten so much from this and feel it has given me a lot of clarity on
the next steps, goals and being confident in this space to go after what I want!


next case study →

 I have walked away with new skills, knowledge, more confidence and the tools to create consistency, clarity and purpose in my life.


next case study →

Get ready to:

Prioritize your time, health and wellbeing

fall in love with prioritizing your health. fitness & wellbeing


Believe in yourself and kick self-doubt to the curb

Embrace deeper, more nourishing relationships

Learn the real secret to self-love and self-care that will beat burnout?

The highlights, the challenges, the insights into my authentic self, and the commitments and aspirations I now hold have molded me into a stronger, more courageous and purpose-driven person.

- christine

I'm ready to:

rock My career or side hustle.

fall in love with health & fitness

create strong, loving boundaries

embrace deeper relationships

love myself.

If you're feeling ready for us, we're likely ready for you. But let's check in and say hi, and get to know each other anyway.

Book your consultation directly below. Can't find a great time that works for you? Email us and we'll make it fit!

Book Your Free Consultation

Book my free call →

Is that a Yes?

"Erin's meditation sessions at the start of the work week have really boosted my mood and helped me to feel I can tackle anything throughout the day!"


has discovered her superpowers

Yes, It Really Works

"Erin's sessions give our team amazing guidance on breath work and grounding ourselves before embarking on the work week ahead.

Running sessions virtually can't be easy, but they work perfectly for us, which is a credit to her skills at engaging people remotely."


joins her global team for weekly mindfulness

"Mindfulness with Erin has made me calmer, more focused and less stressed.

Erin radiates positive energy and you take it away with you after finishing a session."


is hooked on the feeling

Kind words from our clients: