10 Reasons to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Daily Routine

Here’s 10 reasons why you should incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine for improved health and wellbeing.

Why You Need Mindfulness in Your Daily Routine

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Over the past few years, mindfulness has gained popularity across all kinds of industries and communities—and for good reason. The benefits of practicing mindfulness are plentiful and can greatly improve your quality of life if you put in the time to master it and make it part of your daily routine.

Being mindful can seem challenging at first, but with practice it can really improve your life in many ways. In this article, you’ll find 10 reasons why you should incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine for improved health and wellbeing. Whether you’re struggling with an addiction or dealing with depression, these tips can help you develop greater peace of mind and create better habits overall. Check out the list below to see how you can get started today!

1) Improve your sleep

Getting a solid night’s sleep is incredibly important, and mindfulness practice can help. Scientists say that by training yourself to pay attention in a certain way, mindfulness can help you sleep better at night and feel more refreshed when you wake up. And there are other reasons, too—for example, practicing mindful breathing (an essential element of mindfulness) can reduce blood pressure and stress levels and thus contribute to overall well-being. Indeed, many studies show that mindfulness improves sleep quality in people with chronic pain or other conditions (like depression) that make it difficult for them to fall asleep or stay asleep.

2) Reduce anxiety

We all feel stressed, anxious, and on edge sometimes. But what happens when these feelings seem to come out of nowhere? According to a study conducted by researchers at Harvard University, adults who reported chronic stress were significantly more likely than their peers to suffer from an anxiety disorder as well as other problems. Stress and anxiety are directly linked—so if you’re feeling tense or on edge, try practicing mindfulness techniques daily. Over time, they can help you better manage your stress levels and reduce your chances of suffering from anxiety issues.

3) Enhance creativity

A growing body of research is showing that mindfulness helps enhance creativity. People who are more mindful tend to be better at keeping information active in their consciousness, which makes it easier for them to combine different ideas and come up with original solutions. A 2011 study conducted by researchers at Leiden University found that participants who engaged in a brief mindfulness exercise performed better on an associative memory task than those who were told not to think about anything in particular. One reason for these results may be that mindfulness helps people become more aware of the relationship between their thoughts and emotions, leading them down unexpected paths.

4) Gain clarity

You can’t focus on anything if you don’t have clarity. If you’re suffering from an attention deficit, practicing mindfulness can help clear your mind and give you a better picture of what it is that your trying to achieve in a given moment. Practicing mindfulness daily not only has numerous physical health benefits but can also give you more focus and better productivity in your day-to-day tasks.

5) Better relationships

By practicing mindfulness, you can strengthen your relationship with yourself and others. By truly knowing who you are, you’ll be able to love those around you even more. You’ll be kinder and more tolerant of their flaws, in turn making them like and respect you more for who you are as well. 

By working on yourself daily, your relationships will only improve over time. Those around you will feel more comfortable confiding in and opening up to a mindful person than someone else who is struggling through life without understanding themselves or others around them.

6) Increase self-awareness

Practicing mindfulness can help you observe and understand your own thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and behaviors. By being more mindful, you’ll improve your awareness of how these factors influence one another. 

This self-awareness leads to greater acceptance of what is going on inside and outside of you at any given moment in time. Increased self-awareness can also help increase a sense of compassion for yourself—no matter what is going on in your life—and promote healthy relationships with others. The more we understand ourselves, our own patterns and habits, where our feelings are coming from and what triggers certain emotions or actions, etc., then we can better focus on living consciously rather than reacting mindlessly.

7) Live in the moment

Although it can seem counterintuitive, mindfulness is a great way to live more in-the-moment and less stressed. Being mindful helps you become better acquainted with your emotions and reactions, while also helping you focus on what’s important—such as living life on your own terms. If you want to be happier, more present, and less stressed out (which benefits not only yourself but those around you), incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine.

8) Boost concentration

If you’re frequently distracted by texts and notifications, meditation is a great way to give your mind an opportunity to focus. It’s even been proven as effective as medication for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) patients in controlling impulses. Practicing mindfulness can also help you better handle pressure—an increasingly valuable skill in today’s business world.

9) Manage pain better

Meditation is an effective tool for managing physical pain. A 2011 study published in The Journal of Neuroscience found that long-term meditators had higher brain activity in regions associated with regulating emotions and processing sensory information. The same areas are linked with controlling pain, and scientists think they might work together to calm sensations of physical discomfort. Additionally, participants reported a greater sense of general well-being, which means meditation can help improve your mood as well as ease pain levels. If you want to try it for yourself, start small by practicing for five minutes a day during your morning shower—setting a daily schedule will make it more likely you’ll stick with it over time.

10) Cultivate gratitude & Be Happier

The art of gratitude is a simple one that many people fail to practice. Every day, write down what you are grateful for and read it before bed. It only takes a few minutes and will help your mind switch from default mode—worrying about how you haven’t accomplished enough today—to appreciation mode, which will put you in a state of happiness before sleep.

It is well documented that mindfulness can make you happier, more satisfied and less likely to succumb to sadness or anger. There’s a reason why people who live in happy cultures tend to practice mindfulness—they recognize it as a means of enhancing their lives. When we allow our minds and bodies space and time for reflection, we tend not only process things better but be able to see new solutions that would otherwise have been drowned out by negativity. Cultivating mindfulness can also help us see what’s really important in life and give us focus on achieving these goals instead of getting lost in little distractions all day long. And it does seem that mindfulness not only improves your state of mind but makes you more compassionate toward others, too—which benefits friends, family members and work colleagues alike.


So instead of closing your eyes and relying on your sense of touch, smell, taste, or sound to trigger memories—think about incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine. Meditation can make you healthier and happier. The benefits of practicing it are numerous: from boosting creativity to helping with anxiety and stress management. The best part is you can practice mindfulness anywhere. And, most importantly, you don’t need a meditation pillow or a tranquil temple setting for it to be effective!


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