If you’re looking for ways to improve your posture, read on to learn how yoga can help

7 Tips For Improving Your Posture With Yoga

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In this blog post, we’ll discuss 7 tips for improving your posture with yoga. We’ll cover everything from specific yoga poses to breathing exercises and more. So if you’re looking for ways to improve your posture, read on to learn how yoga can help!

Yoga is an excellent way to practice good posture and improve your overall health. Not only does it strengthen the muscles that support your spine, but it also helps to create body awareness and encourages you to be mindful of your posture throughout the day. In this blog post, we’ll discuss 7 tips for improving your posture with yoga. We’ll cover everything from specific yoga poses to breathing exercises and more. So if you’re looking for ways to improve your posture, read on to learn how yoga can help!

1) Understand the importance of good posture

Good posture is essential for maintaining spinal health. When you practice good posture, your spine remains in its natural position, which helps to prevent back, shoulder, and neck pain. Poor posture, on the other hand, can lead to an array of physical problems that become more severe over time. Maintaining proper posture helps to keep the muscles, bones, and joints in alignment and allows for full range of motion in the body. By using yoga to help you improve your posture, you will be able to move with greater ease and efficiency. Additionally, good posture can boost your self-confidence, as it projects an image of poise and grace. 

2) Learn the best movements for improving posture with yoga

Having good posture is essential for both physical and mental health. There are five basic movements of the spine that you can practice with yoga to improve your posture: Flexion, Extension, Rotation, Side Bend, and Axial Extension. Before starting to move the spine in the following directions, try Marjaryasana (Cat Pose) and Bitilasana (Cow Pose) to warm up and use Plank to help to engage, strengthen and stablize the spine.

  • Flexion involves bending forward and compressing the spine. One pose that facilitates this movement is Downward Facing Dog. Start by placing your hands and feet on the ground in a tabletop position and push your hips back until your spine is in line with your legs.
  • Extension involves arching the back, which can be done with Cobra Pose. Begin by lying down on your stomach and press your palms into the ground to lift your chest off the mat. Ustrasana (Camel Pose) is also great for extension, focusing on “local stability” and encouraging the spine to lengthen like a slinky.
  • Rotation involves turning the spine from side to side. A good pose for this is Revolved Triangle Pose. Start in Triangle Pose with your right leg forward and twist your torso to the right while bringing your left arm up towards the ceiling.
  • Side Bending involves bending to the left or right. One way to practice this is Half Moon Pose. Start by standing with your right leg straight and reach your left hand to the ground while lifting your right arm to the sky.
  • Axial Extension involves lifting your spine in an upright position. Warrior 3 Pose is a great pose to practice this movement. Begin by standing on one leg with the other leg lifted behind you, then extend your arms forward and bring your torso parallel to the ground.

Doing these five movements regularly will help prevent back pain and improve the quality of your physical body. Ask a yoga teacher for help if you need assistance finding the best poses for each movement of the spine. To get started, try doing each of these poses for three to six minutes a day for improved posture.

3) Set up a regular practice schedule

When considering setting up a regular practice schedule, it’s important to consider what works best for you. To begin with, you could start with a commitment to practice for 10 minutes a day, or block out a particular time on a certain day of the week. This practice should fit into your life, and not be something that you dread or struggle to do. 

A great way to make sure that you stick to your practice is to set up an online class the night before – this way, you are more likely to show up on your mat and practice. Practicing at home can be more challenging than going to a studio, but it also has its advantages. Remember to show up on your mat open, present, accepting, and curious. If you need guidance, consider working with a yoga teacher who can support you in building a strong practice and using yoga to improve your posture. Check out Odyssey’s online classes here and choose from an array of classes to suit your time, experience level, and lifestyle.

4) Make sure you have the right props

In order to maximize the benefits of your yoga practice and improve your posture, it’s important to make sure you have the right props. A yoga teacher can recommend which props are best for your particular situation. Generally speaking, props such as blocks, straps, towels, dowels, and more can all be used to help improve your posture and offer more support during certain poses. 

  • Blocks are great for thoracic extension and gentle extension of the low lumbar. Utilizing a block behind the chest can also passively stretch the pectorals, costal muscles, and upper abdominals. Blocks placed under the sacrum can help with relieving lumbar hyperextension and spinal erector tension. 
  • Straps can help improve and maintain correct body mechanics while providing support. Towels can be used to offer more grip while aiding in stretching. 
  • Dowels can increase support and stability while balancing or in split-leg postures. 

With the right props and guidance from your yoga teacher, you can improve your posture and take your practice to the next level. Need some beautiful props? Head to our friends at Yinside Yoga for organic, sustainably created props to help you with your practice.

5) Listen to your body

When it comes to improving your posture through yoga, the most important thing is to listen to your body. Even if you have studied the different techniques and postures, there will always be moments when your body needs something different. 

This is why it’s important to find a qualified yoga teacher who can help you understand how to best move your body and align your spine. A yoga teacher can also observe your practice and provide corrections that are more tailored to your individual needs. They can help you find the best movements that are comfortable for you and prevent any further pain or strain.

6) Don’t forget to cool down

Yoga is a great way to improve your posture, but it’s also important to remember to cool down after any yoga session. Cooling down helps your body transition out of the postures and relax back into a resting state. Here are some tips to help you cool down after a yoga practice:

  • Begin with a few gentle stretches and twists that allow your body to slowly relax from the intensity of the postures. 
  • Try taking a few long, deep breaths to release any residual tension in your body and mind. 
  • Take some time to lie down in Savasana and just allow yourself to rest and recover.
  • When you’re ready, slowly roll off the mat and take a few moments to reflect on your practice.
  • Rehydrate with some water or herbal tea, as this can help flush out toxins and replenish electrolytes. 
  • By taking the time to properly cool down after your yoga practice, you can ensure that you will leave feeling relaxed and refreshed!

7) Integrate your yoga practice into your lifestyle for better posture

Making yoga a part of your lifestyle can help you to maintain proper posture throughout the day. Aim to practice the postures you learn in your yoga classes when you’re doing everyday activities, such as walking, running, at the gym, sitting at work, or driving in the car. By being mindful and engaging the muscles used in your postures when you’re going about your daily tasks, you will be able to keep your body aligned and maintain good posture all day long. You’ll also be able to reap the benefits of yoga such as increased strength and flexibility, improved concentration, and reduced stress levels – all of which can lead to improved posture. So take the time to integrate your yoga practice into your lifestyle and you’ll soon see the rewards!


As a yoga practitioner, it’s important to remind yourself of the importance of having good posture and practicing good posture daily. By following these seven tips, you can start to improve your posture through yoga and keep it in check. Regular practice of these postures, as well as focusing on your breath, will help you to achieve better body alignment and keep your muscles strong and healthy. Taking the time to focus on your posture will help to prevent future injuries and reduce tension and pain in the body.


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