With Spring splicing our afternoons with sunshine and urging us to switch up and freshen up our routine, it’s the perfect time to share our wellness hacks.

6 Ways to Get Happier, Now

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We are a community that believes in the magic of movement and in going both ways (fitness + yoga!) We know that when you prioritise your health and wellbeing, wonderful things happen. We're here to help you make wellness your world.

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With Spring splicing our afternoons with sunshine and urging us to switch up and freshen up our routine, it’s the perfect time to share our wellness hacks. Try one, two, or all of these, and let us know what you think!


Creating a vision for Spring 2024 will help you to set resolutions and stick to them. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself on the beach or out in nature in 12 weeks, enjoying the warm weather on the first day of Summer. How do your body and your mind feel? How are your energy levels? What are you excited about? Write it down and then go back in 12 weeks and reflect on your vision – you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to set and achieve your goals when you start with a vision that excites you.

  • Check out the Get Shit Done range by MiGoals for notebooks and diaries that inspire you to create goals and take action to achieve results.


Discover a style of fitness that you LOVE and working out will never be a chore. Try a few new studios or join ClassPass to access new and exciting classes in your area. From surfing to yoga to hip-hop dance classes, movement is an incredible way to clear the mind and get perspective on what’s really important (and what isn’t). Plus, you can do it with friends, it feels amazing and gives you a gorgeous natural glow- all the wins. Try Odyssey’s online classes to get you started with yoga, fitness, pilates or mindfulness!


Re-introduce salads and juices into your diet. The change of seasons is a great time to cleanse the body and if this interests you, we recommend getting in touch with your local juice bar, health store for great advice on how to do a 3 or 5-day cleanse. Lighten up on caffeine and double-check that any meat/produce in your diet is organic and chemical-free.

  • Need some inspiration? Check out The Merrymaker Sisters, who make eating healthy a treat rather than a chore.
Happiness Secrets to Bring More Sunshine into Your Life


Replace heavy fragrances with lighter, balanced essential oils that invigorate and refresh you – choose a scent that makes you want to get outside and move. Try lemon or bergamot in the morning, sandalwood in the afternoon, and lavender in the evening.


Refresh your playlists with new and fun tunes. Create a playlist for cardio with your favourite ‘Go’ songs (the songs that make you run faster when you feel like slowing down). Mix up your routine by playing something you wouldn’t normally hear on the radio, such as jazz or classical. Create an evening playlist that allows you to wind down and switch off for the evening, enhancing your sleep.

  • One of our recent favorites is jazz by Miles Davis – perfect for an afternoon stroll or a glass of wine in the evening.


Recent world events are showing us that what we do to the earth, we really do, do to ourselves. Challenge yourself this Spring to really clean up your carbon footprint (yes, that means a bus or a bicycle), completely rid your life of single use plastic and say no to a coffee unless you’ve brought a cup. Living sustainably is no longer an ‘nice-to-have’ and switching your habits can be easy and fun!

  • Treat yourself to a KeepCup (remembering you need to use it at least 15 times to make it worth it) or a cute reusable shopper (we love the ones by Tigerlily) that can live in your handbag and go with you at all times.

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